If you’ve been to your dermatologist lately or have performed a web search for skin cancer, you’ve likely seen our work in action. Since 1979, we’ve led the way in patient education through our informational materials and lifesaving programs like Destination Healthy Skin and Sun Smart U. Equally important in our fight to reduce the incidence and mortality of the world’s most common cancer is our commitment to research. Each year, we award several grants to dermatology residents, fellows and young faculty to fund research and clinical studies related to skin cancer. In 2018, the Todd Nagel Memorial Award was given to William Damsky, MD, PhD, for his study “Elucidating and Overcoming Mechanisms of Immunotherapy Resistance in Melanoma.” In this video, Dr. Damsky shares information on this important work and explains how he hopes this research will help melanoma patients.
Funding Research to Save Lives