Save Destination Healthy Skin 

Support Free Lifesaving Skin Cancer Screenings

Help Fund a New RV

Destination Healthy Skin is our free mobile skin cancer screening and education program — a vital public health service that saves lives. 

Urgent Need: This program cannot continue with a 14-year-old RV. Replacing the RV for our 2025 season will keep our free skin cancer screenings going strong for years to come. 

You can help, with a donation of any amount.

Our goal is to raise $500,000 to fund this crucial component of the program and keep Destination Healthy Skin on the road 

Since the program launched, our team of volunteer dermatologists has:  

  • Provided 32,000 free skin cancer screenings. 
  • Identified nearly 12,000 potential skin cancers and precancers, including 550 suspected melanomas.  
  • Distributed free skin cancer educational materials and sun protection products to more than 100,000 people. 

Please help us reach our goal! Donate now.  

Campaign Fundraising Goal: $500,000  

$129,099 / $500,000


Learn More About DHS  

What DHS Means to You 

Hear from program participants around the country who have received free skin cancer screening: 

How You Can Save Destination Healthy Skin 

Picture of The Skin Cancer Foundation's Destination Healthy Skin RV. skin exams

Donate to Save Destination Healthy Skin 

Every dollar counts. Please give what you can to keep this lifesaving program in existence.  

Make a Recurring Gift 

Pledge your ongoing support to Destination Healthy Skin by giving a recurring gift of any amount every month. 

Create a Fundraiser

Join the team and help The Skin Cancer Foundation reach our goal! Create your own fundraiser, set a goal and together we can Save Destination Healthy Skin! 

Thank You to Our Save Destination Healthy Skin Supporters

Thank you to our Save Destination Healthy Skin lead sponsor, Massage Envy, for matching $25,000 in campaign donations for the Donation Match Challenge.


Last updated: August 2024

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