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Camp Sundown: Night Becomes Day

When the sun starts to set, the countdown begins. The children excitedly check an ultraviolet (UV) light meter, waiting for it to register zero.

“You Are My Bucket List”: One Woman’s Journey from Melanoma Diagnosis to Motherhood

Chelsea Dawson’s days are filled with the hectic joy of motherhood. After ending her workday at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Virginia, she heads to day care to pick up her toddler, Lee. Then it’s home for dinner with her husband, Bryan, and stepson, Gavin, before putting the kids to bed and catching her breath. Balancing work, home and family can be tough, but you won’t hear Chelsea complain.

Not My Face!

She was a much-sought-after model, and her looks were her meal ticket. But when her clients asked her to “get a little color” for photo shoots, she never dreamed it would lead to skin cancer —and a disfiguring scar smack in the middle of, yes, her face.

Healthy Skin, Happy Employees

Corporate wellness programs are on the rise, and with good reason. Studies have shown that these initiatives lead to healthier and happier employees, and may help companies save on healthcare costs.

Fake it to Make it: Sunless Tanning Explained

Ideally, everyone’s sun protection education would begin at an early age. Learning to seek the shade, apply sunscreen and never tan are lessons that help keep you safe both during childhood and later in life. Some of us, however, don’t commit to a sun protection regimen until a little later in life.

For(e)ging Good Sun Protection Habits on the Golf Course

It’s no surprise that golfers are at high risk for skin cancer. A round can mean prolonged sun exposure, often during the sunniest hours of the day. Thankfully, there are a few simple things you can to do to protect your skin without sacrificing your game.

10 Fingers, 10 Toes, 10 Sun Protection Essentials

Summertime is a season full of B’s – beaches, barbeques and…babies! In fact, the months of July, August and September boast the highest number of birthdays here in the United States. With this baby bounty, you might find yourself searching for the perfect gift for expectant parents; you want it to be original, but also practical. Look no further, we’ve got just the thing – a basket full of sun protection essentials.

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