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What’s the Sunscreen Situation?

Given recent news reports, you may be wondering if sunscreens are safe for you and your family, as well as the planet. Elizabeth Buzney, MD, an expert and member of our Photobiology Committee, helps sort it all out.

Early Detection Starts with You

The Skin Cancer Foundation’s new ad campaign, The Big See, motivates you to look at yourself in the mirror with a simple new focus that could save your life.

Growing Pains: Coming of Age with Skin Cancer

When young people start to spread their wings, their quest for independence and adventure can sometimes put them at a high risk of danger. One unprotected day in the sun, for example (even if accidental), can multiply their odds of developing skin cancer.

Finding Her Footing

For Witney Carson, the diagnosis came at the worst possible time — and on the worst possible spot for a dancer: her foot. Battling melanoma could have threatened her passion and even her life, but it only made her stronger.

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