Sunscreen protection has mainly focused on dangers of ultraviolet (UV) light. Learn why researchers are working on protecting skin from a much broader spectrum!
Sunscreen protection has mainly focused on dangers of ultraviolet (UV) light. Learn why researchers are working on protecting skin from a much broader spectrum!
It’s highly unlikely that the sun will prevent you from catching COVID-19. And it could hurt you, too. Here’s what you need to know.
One of the best sun protection strategies is to go where the sun is not. It’s free and easy if you keep it in mind, so put shade on your radar!
How are physicians using telemedicine services to see skin cancer patients during the COVID-19 crisis?
When skin begins to peel, it is a sign the body is trying to rid itself of damaged cells. Here’s how you can get some sunburn relief.
A virtual visit with your dermatologist can provide you with peace of mind. Here’s how to get the most out of your appointment.
Protecting young children from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation is important not only for avoiding immediate consequences like painful sunburns, but also for minimizing skin cancer risk later in life. Here’s what you need to know about keeping the baby in your life sun safe.
My dermatologist diagnosed a skin cancer on my lip, and I’m worried about the treatment. What’s going to happen to my face if I have surgery? And what about the things my lips do, like eating and kissing?
With all of the hand washing we are doing, keeping the skin on our hands healthy is a challenge. Our expert provides a solution.
I use sunscreen religiously on my face but never really thought about my scalp till I realized I had some painful sunburned spots up there. How can I protect my scalp better?