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Red Alert!

Created to empower redheads to feel confident and proud of who they are, Love Your Red Hair Day is also a good time to remember the downside: We’re way more at risk for skin cancer than the general population. I should know; I’ve had a dozen.

How Dangerous is Melanoma? It’s All a Matter of Timing

You might already know that catching a cancer early means a more favorable prognosis. But it can be difficult to comprehend just how big a difference early detection makes with melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Melanoma should never be underestimated, but treating a tumor early rather than after it is allowed to progress could be lifesaving.

Layering Is the Key!

When the air turns cool, you may not feel the heat of the sun’s rays. But they still have the power to damage your skin, so follow our autumn guidelines to protect yourself!

6 Cities in the Books; 15 to Go!

It was a busy August for Destination Healthy Skin! We traveled halfway around the country, providing free skin cancer screenings and education to hundreds of people in half a dozen cities. And we’re not nearly done yet!

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