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Gaining Momentum in Research

The human papillomavirus, or HPV, may play a role in the development of some squamous cell carcinomas of the skin (SCCs). Anna Nichols, MD, PhD, is determined to find out how and why.

Do You Know What Is Living on Your Skin?

Just like the gut microbiome, your skin microbiome is a community of tiny microbes with an enormous impact on your health and even a role in skin cancer prevention and treatment.

The Scoop on Poop

What we usually just flush, poop is helping scientists understand how the colony of microbes called your gut microbiome may help or harm your skin health.

Protect Your Pets From Skin Cancer!

While fur protects skin from the sun to an extent, dogs and cats can get sunburned, and they can develop skin cancer, too. Read about Tundra, an all-around good dog who has battled numerous skin cancers.

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