Sun & Skin News

The Skin Cancer Foundation Journal - Page 7

Our annual magazine, The Skin Cancer Foundation Journalshares advice from experts on skin cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, as well as stories from people who have experienced skin cancer. It also highlights our members, donors, programs and events that all support our efforts to fight the world’s most common cancer.

When a Common Skin Cancer Advances

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) can become advanced and, in rare cases, even life-threatening, but today there are new treatment options for these patients.

The Dangers of Doctor Google

When you’re searching for medical information, whether about skin cancer or any condition, follow these steps for credible, helpful advice!

Rossen Rescues Rossen

Sometimes the hero of the story is the one who keeps an eye on your skin and pushes you to see a dermatologist.

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow

Safety and social distancing are on your mind when you’re outside these days, but don’t forget the sun protection, too!

Intuition, Luck, Opportunity

A young woman who loved the sun listened to her instincts about some new dark moles on her abdomen. She decided to get her skin checked when she heard about The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Destination Healthy Skin screening program.

Trial and Error

What happens when a dermatologist learns she has a rare and dangerous melanoma? Vivian Bucay, MD, fought back with strength, family and clinical trials.

Can Viruses Lead to Skin Cancer?

No, we’re not talking about COVID-19 here. But emerging evidence shows a link between the human papillomavirus (HPV) and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. Viruses may play a role in other skin cancers, too. Here’s what we know so far. 

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