Sun & Skin News

Healthy Lifestyle - Page 6

Embrace Your Scars

Our expert dermatologists tell how to nurture a new scar to get the best outcome — and, if needed, how to fix an older scar to make it look better.

The UV Index: Know Your Risk

What is the UV index, and what does it mean? Here’s how you can use it to protect yourself from sunburns and skin cancer.

Red Alert!

Created to empower redheads to feel confident and proud of who they are, Love Your Red Hair Day is also a good time to remember the downside: We’re way more at risk for skin cancer than the general population. I should know; I’ve had a dozen.

Layering Is the Key!

When the air turns cool, you may not feel the heat of the sun’s rays. But they still have the power to damage your skin, so follow our autumn guidelines to protect yourself!

Back-to-School Sun Safety

Whether you rejoice or feel sad when your kids head back to school, you hope your good influence sticks with them! That’s why it’s so important to teach children and teens about protecting their skin and eyes from the dangerous effects of the sun — all year long.

High Altitude, High Risk, Part 3

Did you know that as your altitude increases, so does your risk for skin cancer? We hear from astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a year on the space station.

The Mind-Skin Stress Connection, Part 1

Your state of mind can affect your skin health, and your skin health can affect your state of mind. Here’s what you need to know and how to mitigate the damage.

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